If you are interested in receiving support from the Pacific Club IMPACT Foundation, please download and submit the charity request form below:
It is the mission of the Pacific Club IMPACT Foundation to recognize and support national charities serving America’s youth.
The Foundation raises money for those charitable purposes from events associated with awarding of The Lott IMPACT Trophy to the IMPACT Player of the Year, which honors college football’s defensive best in character and performance.The causes the Pacific Club IMPACT Foundation supports fall under the following categories:
- Youth Initiatives
- Social Initiatives
- Educational Initiatives
To date, the Foundation has raised and donated over $1.5 Million to charities and general scholarship funds.
***The Pacific Club IMPACT Foundation® is a California Non-Profit Corporation. (Federal Tax ID #20-1508538, 501(C) 3 ).

The Lott IMPACT Trophy is proud to announce our proprietary charitable initiative – THE HITS PROGRAM. This smarter approach to football will better educate players, coaches and parents aimed at increasing participation rates.
The HITS Program also provides LIT Alumni a platform to engage and stay active in our efforts.

HELMET – Using the proper equipment and fitting methods leads to a safer game. LIT will work with college and professional equipment managers to better educate coaches on sound practices.
IMPACT– Limiting the amount of full contact and conducting safer practices along with incorporating technology and sports science partners will reduce the amount of impact on youth football players.
TECHNIQUE – Learning the proper tackling technique leads to reduced blows to the head. Aligning with the best coaches, referees and instructors to teach new tackling methods improves the football experience.
SAFETY – Data is power, educating parents about a safer game and taking an active role leads to increased participation rates and sound decision making.